Summer Projects

My husband and I just rolled into Ann Arbor for a few weeks. I love the shape of this summer, made of many random pieces and projects sewn together into a wild quilt of music and words. I just finished a new English adaptation of Hansel and Gretel for Tri-Cities Opera. Paul … Continue Reading →

Locavoracious: Road trip

It’s back to the Michigan Union for me tonight, but not to rehearse Cosi – that’s done and we open tomorrow! Instead I am going to the Michigan Road Scholars orientation. I’m so jazzed to be part of this along with my SMTD colleague Christianne Myers, costume designer. We’ll join … Continue Reading →

Breaking the (radio) Waves

So much fun this morning to accept Brad Cresswell’s generous invitation to perform at his station WGTE-FM in Toledo, with the three winners of the Michigan District of the Metropolitan Opera National Council auditions. Josh Lovell and Sandra Periord are current UMich students (and in the cast of Cosi fan … Continue Reading →

Arizona’s for me: Danke, boys.

On this flight back to DTW, I’m still buzzing from the audience reaction to Arizona Lady. This piece has been another profound example of the power in audience connection and engagement. I’ve never experienced anything like the energy of a few thousand Arizonans listening and responding to us as we sang about the … Continue Reading →


Back home in Llano, TX, where I’m getting my first fall projects ready to go. They are something special in that they’re music with an unusual sense of place. In Austin in a few weeks, we’ll premiere David Hanlon’s “Texanische Liebeslieder.” I wrote the lyrics for these. They were inspired … Continue Reading →